Words of Liberty produced and supported by Patriots like you


intercession helping hands

We could all use a little Intercession!

Hello Patriots!

A few moments ago, I just finished writing Intercession, the next issue of THE PAMPHLET. Each time I finish one of these issues I feel a great weight lifted. The Digital Edition went to our Patreon Subscribers at midnight, now its time we fire up the old Bizhub 3350 and start printing today! Not including the Special Issue for last year’s BBQ, we have done twenty-two issues now. It is hard to believe what started as a small-town publication has managed to grow into something that makes its way across the planet. The stories of the Founding Fathers of Liberty, resonate with all true sons and daughters of liberty.

In this issue we talk about the Intercession that has occurred throughout the history of the United States of America. We have examined the qualities of those who actively sought Divine Intercession and we examine moments where fate certainly shifted unexpectedly to change the outcome of the War. In sticking with the theme of the individual contributions of everyday people in Volume II we cover more moments where people changed the world but, in this issue, we cover some of the aspects of faith that aided the patriot’s cause.

We cover an act of Congress to observe a day of humiliation, fasting, and prayer. The miracle of the capture of the British transport ship Hope and her massive haul of armaments a few months later were reviewed. We also cover the Fog of August in 1776 and its role in preventing the complete annihilation of the Continental Army.

Our highlighted individual this issue is John Stark, who at forty-six years old, dropped everything to stand up for the liberty of many he would never know. We go into how this lone patriot defied fate time and again to support the cause of Liberty, all while sticking to his principals and enduring to the end. We sum everything up in the Intercession of Liberty article and postulate our own callings to intercede in today’s world.

More thoughts from our Founding Fathers are included in a wide selection of words from James Madison, John Adams, Daniel Morgan, Thomas Pain, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Maximillien Robespierre, George Mason and Patrick Henry.

The Center for Self Governance presents us with a piece from their Language of Liberty Series. Steve Canyon writes a comprehensive piece on the meaning of Memorial Day, and we offer that to you in our Patriot Opinion Section this month.

We continue our tradition of covering one month of war each issue and in this issue June of 1778 is offered up. We cover the Cobleskill Massacre, an event where the Iroquois and British Loyalists led by Joseph Brant, destroyed a frontier town in New York. We cover a few naval engagements involving the Lively, Union, Defence, Volant, Active, Revenge, Ranger, Enterprize, and Little Sue. We describe the dramatic evacuation of Philadelphia by the British, the pursuit of American Forces, and their ultimate engagement at the Battle of Monmouth.

We reflect on the Reverend Jacob Duche, his rise through faith and his fall through lack of it. More importantly we discuss the First Prayer given by the first Chaplain of the Continental Congress and the role that prayers played early on in our government and in our people.

In the From the Editor column. I drop my pen name to address and formally announce my candidacy Lonny Ray Williams for State Legislator serving local government to the readers. Going forward I aim to let the campaign and my actions speak for themselves and THE PAMPHLET will remain focused on bringing you liberty, history, personal responsibility, and your monthly dose of common sense.

As per our normal release procedures. THE PAMPHLET Volume 2, Issue 9 ‘Intersession’ went live for our Patreon supporters at midnight. We begin printing the issue today and after it gets mailed to all of our subscribers, we will then release the digital edition to the general public after that. We are a donation-based subscription and that is the process that keeps the ink and paper flowing. Beyond that my family and I donate our time and travel to make this all happen. We greatly appreciate your support and prayers as it has carried us this far. We could not have done it without you! Thank you.

Wade & Elizabeth Taylor

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