Words of Liberty produced and supported by Patriots like you

THE PAMPHLET ~ Volume 1 Issue 8 ~ ‘On Words’

THE PAMPHLET ~ Volume 1 Issue 8 ~ ‘On Words’

There seems to be some confusion about rights, entitlements, and responsibilities. The lack of civics classes has clearly left a mark of ignorance on many who have missed out of education about our history and the importance of liberty. This issue of The Pamphlet is the first of three issues that focus on core human rights and responsibilities. On Words, is the culmination of months of research and dedication and builds off of previous pamphlets. In this issue we encourage the reader to look at our founding documents through the eyes of our Founding Fathers. We also invite the reader to embark on a personal journey of exploration into our true history.

As Always, thank you so very much for your support. If you like our work please consider donating here. If you would like to subscribe to hard copies, please subscribe here.

Thank you!

Wade John Taylor

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