Words of Liberty produced and supported by Patriots like you

Home Subscription and Reprint order Form

Home Subscription and Reprint order Form

Good Evening Patriots

Things are getting a bit tight for us in the supply lines. We are having difficulty sourcing ivory paper lately. Copy machine parts that are used in the normal wear and tear of production are becoming difficult to come by as well. We was able to source a few cases of the paper we normally use but it was at double the normal price. We have been doing this for over a year now and have been relying on donations, reprints, and subscriptions to cover the cost of ink and paper. This has allowed us to print thousands of copies and distribute them in various forms throughout every state in the country and forty seven nations around the globe.

We are starting to feel the pinch as supply lines around the world buckle due to shipping container backups around the world. Fortunately we will be able to ensure that everyone who has a subscription or is a supporter through other means (patreon etc.) you will continue to receive The Pamphlet. For the immediate future we will continue to be able to produce and hand out The Pamphlet for free. We are committed to ensure that every patriot who wants our true history has access to it. We will source what paper we are able to get and produce copies for free for our distribution network as long as we are able, but if existing shortages persist we may have to identify other revenue streams to continue to print or move to a digital product. In the mean time you may notice some differences in the future such as temporary shifts away from ivory as our default color or using 20# instead of 24# paper for those who wish to continue receiving the free version of our publication.

The best way to ensure that you continue to receive The Pamphlet is to subscribe using our order form below. You can also order reprints using the form below. If you would like to make a monetary donation to support the cause, we would greatly appreciate that as well. Our contact information is on the bottom of the form. We greatly appreciate your support in producing true history written in the highlands of freedom by patriots for patriots.

Thank you sincerely from the bottom of our heart.

Wade & Elizabeth Taylor

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