Words of Liberty produced and supported by Patriots like you

It’s almost April 1st. March 2022 is almost in the history books.

It’s almost April 1st. March 2022 is almost in the history books.
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Wade John Taylor has realized it’s almost the 1st of April, do you know what that means? No, we are not talking about April Fools.

That’s right, its almost time for a new issue of The Pamphlet. We have been researching and writing hard for your liberty, freedom, and your constitution.

Do you want to get your edition faster? Are you waiting impatiently for the issue to be released to the general public every month?

There are multiple ways to get yours faster and some receive their issue shortly after midnight on the 1st of every month.

Patreon Subscribers will receive their edition digitally every month before anyone else. Then they also receive their hard copy in the mail. They are the bread and butter of this publication. Because of their generous donations every month most of the publication goes out free to the public.

You can also subscribe to a year subscription by mail in order form and receive a monthly hard copy in the mail.

There are always consequences to any actions. We must always try to remember to take the noble and correct action, so we are on the right side of history. Don’t let your actions become needless consequences. Thinking and praying before you react are always the best bet.

The Pamphlet tries to teach US History as free as possible to everyone around the country and the world. We believe that if we know the past, we can learn what we need to do today. Our liberty, freedom, civil rights, and constitution are on the fringe of disappearing. Wade John Taylor and our other writers teach about people that have lived through tyranny. Through letters, journals, and many other sources we hope to bring you what you need to fight for your liberties.

As always, Thank you all for your support and be on the lookout for April’s edition soon.

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Temporary Office Closure

Hello Patriots! We are hard at work getting the next edition of The Pamphlet out. We are excited to see how this issue turns out. It is always quite an experience to put this together each month. We have some

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