We are coming up on the 4th anniversary of when THE PAMPHLET was just a thought and our journey began.
Most of you know the back story of THE PAMPHLET, but you don’t hear about what we must do every month to get you what you are waiting for. There are a lot of steps that are taken to produce the product that you have loved for almost 4 years now.
With our journey coming to an end at the end of the year, here is a little insight into our day-by-day and month-by-month ins and outs of THE PAMPHLET.
You know that Wade takes about 2 weeks every month to write each pamphlet. As a family affair, we, of course, do research all month, we write, print, fold, staple, stuff and address envelopes from our kitchen table, and mail your subscriptions. We also go on the road to fairs, trade shows, and community events. Wade gives speeches around the country, and we physically help others learn how to be self-sufficient by helping to teach canning and gardening. We have been known to teach people how to raise, butcher, and castrate their own animals. Because how could we teach and promote things we won’t do ourselves?
But as you know in this world physical and spiritual things happen.
Wade counts on the Holy Spirit to guide him in the direction that he needs to write each month. Every month your pamphlet is divinely inspired, and more often than not, after he is done writing it, something happens in the world, or the personal lives of someone, that just ties into what he wrote about. We hear from you letting us know how much this publication means to you and how it has helped you.
But with the guidance that comes from God, there comes opposition in all things. If there were no righteous there would be no wicked, if no holiness there would be no misery, and neither good nor bad.
So every month our little family goes through what we call “Pamphlet Week”. Trust me, this is no fun time for us. Over the years we have dealt hard blows every month ( this is no exaggeration ), for just a few examples, The middle of our house collapsing, every appliance in our home dying, sicknesses, our water well being hit by lightning, septic system problems, farm losses both animal and garden, and most recently Elizabeth and our brand new daughter almost dying in childbirth, and Elizabeth now having heart problems. This month is no exception; Wade has a blown-out rotator cuff.
We don’t tell you these things for your sympathy, but prayers would be most appreciated….. We tell you this to let you know that as our trials keep getting harder and harder, we do not forget about you, we push to make sure you receive what you look forward to every month. We seem to be running late every month, we do not like this, but we must deal with what is thrown at us at the same time as producing THE PAMPHLET, and running our farm.
As a small business, we do not want to let our subscribers down and break your trust. Actually, it feels like we let you down every month, and causes us real physical and emotional pain to feel that we let you down.
Please take our sincerest apologies, and know that we will not forget about our obligation to you. It will take a little bit of time for Wade to be able to type but as soon as he is mended he will immediately push out the pamphlet you are expecting and get started on the next one.
We love you all and we look forward to continuing every month to provide you with the true history of our country and continuing the current spiritual and physical fight to save our country.
“God Bless all those that stand for Liberty and Freedom”
Wade and Elizabeth Taylor