Words of Liberty produced and supported by Patriots like you

Your hard copies will be on the way soon

Your hard copies will be on the way soon
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Thank you all for your patience. The digital edition is now out to our digital subscribers. Printing will begin tomorrow and we will be mailing out the hard copies on Monday.

Thank you all for your support.

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Give Me Liberty or Give me Death

I know that many of you are looking forward to our next issue which is due out in under a weak. For a little context and a bit of a preview I offer the following speech from our dear friend

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Thank you for 4000 supporters!

Dear Patriots, This has been a whirlwind ride to where we are at. Last summer we were tired of somebody not doing something to save our country. The politicians were feckless, the judges were corrupt, and socialism was becoming rampant

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september’s ‘Unity’ is on the way

September subscriptions were mailed today. You should receive them soon. Digital edition will be available in a couple days, to give time for subscribers to receive their copies first. thank you all for your support. Please remember to subscribe and/or

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