Happy New Year
P.O. Box 351
Republic, Washington 99166
(833) 528-5558
Good Tidings and a Safe New Year to you and your family.
My wife and I wanted to put out one more message of hope and encouragement while at the same time announcing the early development of my first book. Ever faithful to our patriot and civics minded readers we issue our last premonitions of the state of our nation as well.
First, I wanted to remind you that the secret to surviving such times of chaos is in the pages that we have written to you over the years. Maintaining a calm state of mind, positive attitude, and a firm foundation in your faith are essential for what the times ahead will bring. Try not to stay focused on all the headlines and try to stay focused on your community. We have it within us to be the great generation that meets this challenge
At this moment we stand on the edge of a precipice of a deep chasm that is 2025. Our last days of 2024 & first days of 2025 have brought much reflection across the Nation on the cascading events that have occurred not only across the globe but in our own nation. There is much hope and optimism for the greenhorn level patriot in the United States as Donald J. Trump has been elected President again. At the time of this writing, opposition forces are working to ensure that there will be a deadlock in the Speaker of the House election and so a Certification of the Election of 2024 will become impossible. There is a plan by the controlling forces to create a Constitutional Crisis in the United States of America and seat NO President, Declare Martial Law and put a Puppet in charge as a Provisional President of the United States.
The recent terrorist attack and questionable firebombing on our own soil by former service members raise quite a few alarm bells in many of us. Other explosives and bomb threats across the country in eerily similar incidents are raising the level of hysteria as many are already freaked out over unidentified flying drones, some of which may or may not be spraying fog, foam, or mist. As a last-ditch effort Biden can still start a war, or declare martial law because of the terrorist attacks, a natural disaster like an unprecedented snowstorm that just happens to be shaping up, or any other incident between now and then.
Economically we stand in the abyss as the debt ceiling looms, markets capitulate, credit dries up, and bank rescue funds run dry. Our manufacturing ability is nearly completely depleted and all other industries are so interdependent on globalist supply lines that are collapsing and vanishing rapidly. There are whole generations of people who are uncertain that they could provide for themselves if they had to. But the end is not yet.
Even if terrible things and events continue to unfold and near chaos unfolds, the truth is that then, just as in the spring of 1775, Americans will survive, endure, and eventually overcome the darkness. It will likely just take a painfully long time measured in decades to resemble some sort of harmony again, but focusing on what is important and the future generations of our nation help endure the temporary pains of today.
There are many ways to improve and strengthen the ties in your local community. There are political battles that you can wage by going to your County Commissioner meetings or testify against terrible legislation. Protests, rallies, and demonstrations are also an inalienable right that is often neglected in the age of social media. Yet the single most effective way to preserve the liberty and independence of our nation is to focus on the protection and development of our own families and children against the ever-encroaching government.
Like in the past we believe that a positive attitude, perseverance, along with the spirit of community are second only to our God, our Families, & our Liberty.
Happy New Year, from THE PAMPHLET.
Wade John Taylor, & Elizabeth Taylor
Aka Lonny Ray & Leslie Brooke Williams.