Words of Liberty produced and supported by Patriots like you

Updated Sale!

Updated Sale!

We decided that if you want to give the gift of THE PAMPHLET, then we might as well make it easy. We have drastically reduced the price for a complete high quality reprint of every monthly pamphlet we have ever assembled. Remember all prices were already discounted and include tax and postage to your door. (Price only valid in the United States)

Here is the updated price sheet!

These prices are only good until the end of the year!

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Open Letter to all Patriots

My Dear Patriots, Today the common man, watching traditional news sources in print and on television, would be hard pressed to find any evidence of voter fraud. Instead they are presented with a narrative that President Trump was soundly defeated

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On the road again

We are coming your way! Montana, Idaho, and Utah The Pamphlet will be in your area Dec 23-Dec 27. If you would like to meet us, contact [email protected] or call us (833) 528-5558. We will try to set up a

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