Good Evening Patriots!
I received a pretty cool podcast summary that I would like to share with you all. Thanks for making it all happen! We do this for you!
Thank you so much for your support!
Good Evening Patriots!
I received a pretty cool podcast summary that I would like to share with you all. Thanks for making it all happen! We do this for you!
Thank you so much for your support!
FYI!!!Sorry it is sooooo late this month. We are printing your editions of the November pamphlet today. Unfortunately due to the holiday, we cannot mail them out until Monday. We have not forgotten you. But in the meantime, you can
And it begins again. We knew it would. When government takes power, they never let go. They give us a reprieve, to make us think its over. When will we all learn? They are never going to let us go.
All issues have been mailed out, and distributed to the stores in the county. Just in case you have been waiting! Enjoy Restraint! We will get the electronic version on the website shortly.