Pamphlet Patriots, Wade, and I apologize profusely about how late THE PAMPHLET is this month. We had a brand new Patriot born into our family and had some medical problems. We are working on the April edition as I am writing this post. We have not forgotten you and it will be available soon. Thank you for you patience.
See video below from Lonny Ray Williams for Liberty AKA Wade John Taylor.
Release of April’s Edition
Release of April’s Edition

- Elizabeth Jane Taylor
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50% off close out
Elizabeth Jane Taylor
June 21, 2024
50% off good through July 31st, 2024. Only good for printed copies of THE PAMPHLET and Gift Sets.
Reflections on a Responsible Path Forward
Wade John Taylor
February 18, 2022
It seems to me that politicians from the dominant parties have had the run of things for a long time. Somehow the leaders of both dominant factions have led us to the point where civil war is expected by many