Words of Liberty produced and supported by Patriots like you

New Patreon Tiers added for Merchants

New Patreon Tiers added for Merchants

Recently we have had several individuals and merchants express interest in carrying several hard copies of our distribution so that they can hand them out in their local environment. We have two new tiers on Patreon that now support that. The Merchant level Patriots will have 25 copies of new issues shipped directly to them at the beginning of the month. The Guildsman Patriots will have 40 copies shipped directly to them each month. While advertising for businesses affected by the madness and dictatorial shutdowns this month and January. Those who subscribe to the two new levels will continue to have access to advertising as long as they subscribe. If you would like to see additional options please let me know.

Patreon Subscriptions

We are pleased to be able to continue to offer various options for patriots to receive The Pamphlet. Thanks so much for spreading the word! Long live the Republic!

Wade John Taylor

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Social Media Contacts

Below you will find a list of where to find me on various social media sites. While I do have one on Facebook and other censor heavy sites. We are winding them down and will not list them here. We

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Get your August Edition

The August edition is done and digital copies have been sent out to our subscribers. You can still order your subscription at https://store.thepamphlet.net/product-category/subscriptions/ Thank you to all our subscribers and their continued support. You are the reason we can continue

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Speech From Today’s Rally

Here is my first public speech. It is from Today’s Open Washington Freedom Rally in Republic, Washington. Thanks for Watching. Now is the time for us to all stand up for Liberty! God Bless America Wade John Taylor

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