Words of Liberty produced and supported by Patriots like you

Temporary Office Closure

Temporary Office Closure

Hello Patriots!

We are hard at work getting the next edition of The Pamphlet out. We are excited to see how this issue turns out. It is always quite an experience to put this together each month. We have some business disruptions that I need to inform you about.

We are in the middle of getting solar installed on the homestead. Tomorrow (Tuesday the 27th) we will be without power for a time. We anticipate that we will be unable to answer incoming calls or conduct meaningful business. We expect to be partially operational by Wednesday and fully up by Thursday. Thanks for your understanding.


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Pamphlet News Update

Howdy Patriots! We are long overdue for an update and here is our Pamphlet News Flash for October 5th 2021. Volume II launched on the 1st. It happened to be the same day we were packing up for a Rally

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The call to fight for our liberties

“Remember officers and Soldiers, that you are Freemen, fighting for the blessings of Liberty–that slavery will be your portion, and that of your posterity, if you do not acquit yourselves like men: Remember how your Courage and Spirit have been

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